The given guideline is just the basic guideline for filling up any form.
1. Be sure to fill in all your personal details like address as latest as possible if they are bound to change fill in something that would be more permanent.
2.Before filling up the preferences be sure to go through the detail course structure given on each of the IIT’s site and also enquire with the seniors if you have any contacts that would give you some perspective.
3.Be sure what you are applying for. Fill in the exact preferences you would like to have refrain from filling options you are not interested into, if at all number of options available are still remaining fill the not so useful options at the end.
4. Your preference should always be in the order you want admission into, never keep the branch in which you are bound to get admission first, keep the difficult one first and then subsequently fill in the manner where you have surety of getting admission. That is first fill up the preference where you have little chance of getting admission and the last one where you are bound to get admission whatever may be the case.
5.Be sure to give the exact details about your academics, i.e. if your percentages are 59.5 then do not get tempted to write 60 because it may create problem at a later date.
6. If you have any experience and you are able to furnish certificate for the same then you may fill in the details about the same if they are asked.
7. Check exactly on whose name the Demand Draft needs to be drawn on.
8. Double check all the details that you have written and especially you GATE score Academic Details and your “Preferences” because they will matter the most for admission.
(These are the basic guidelines also kindly go through form thoroughly if their are any other minor details. Kindly send the form well in advance and if possible attach a sticker of your name in printed instead of writing cause that would be more legible and would avoid and delay)
If you have any experience and you are able to furnish certificate for the same then you may fill in the details about the same if they are asked.